MLT (Myanmar Language Test) is the first and only standardized test for Burmese Language proficiency for foreigners who want to know their levels. MLT test measures proficiency in reading and listening comprehension. There are five levels to choose: MB (Basic), M1 (Pre-intermediate), M2 (Intermediate), M3 (Upper-intermediate) and M4 (Advanced).
MLT asks comprehension, vocabulary and grammar knowledge through listening questions. Each test has two sections: Reading and Listening. All question types are MULTIPLE CHOICE.
● MLT measures the following skills.
Vocabulary knowledge
Grammar knowledge
Comprehension of Burmese Language at respective levels for both reading skill and listening skill
● Listening comprehension question includes
Same pronunciation (Only for MB)
Questions with pictures
Short conversations
Long conversations
● Reading comprehension question includes
Fill in the blanks
Short conversation
Long conversation
Read the passage
→ Description of each level
Burmese alphabet and very basic vocabulary and grammar in daily life.